ORG&CO 2019 Conference in partnership with MICA (EA 4426) PESSAC
28-29 Mar 2019 PESSAC (France)

The Org & Co 2019 conference is organized in partnership with MICA, University Bordeaux Montaigne


Welcome to the website of the Org & Co 2019 conference organized in partnership with the MICA laboratory of Bordeaux Montaigne University.


You will be able to, on this site:

     Consult the call for articles of the conference;
     Consult the scientific committee of the conference;
     Consult the detailed program at the end of January 2019
     Register to participate in the conference
     Find a list of hotels and informations to join the event venue.

If you are a future participant

     Submit your proposals for complete articles;
     View the results of reviews made by reviewers;
     Submit your final proposals taking into account the comments of your reviewers.

If you are a member of the scientific committee:

     Evaluate the communications that have been assigned to you;

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